Number heartbeat whale

Number heartbeat fish

  1. Number heartbeat Pisces Pisces is marine animals live under water, and classified as a mammal, a warm-blooded animals; and resembles the shape of fish, but it is not a fish, and the advantage of the big his brain that makes him one of the most intelligent animals, and breathes from above the water; so you must comes out on the surface of the water to breathe for a long time. Pisces has a great and huge heart, where scientists of a car the size of a Mini Cooper, and weighs about 907 kilograms, and his heart beats from five to only six times per minute, and can sense the pulse after three kilometers. Razorback There are two types of whales: lacking teeth, with teeth, and types as well: the blue whale: which is the largest animal on Earth, so that the estimated length of about thirty-three meters and weigh up to almost eighty tons, a zero-tooth animals. Zaanvih back: it is the second largest living animal on Earth, after the blue whale, with an estimated length of about twenty-seven meters, a zero-tooth animals. Sperm Whale: the largest animal on earth possessed teeth, estimated at about twenty meters in length, and weigh up to almost seven and fifty tons, and extracted from amber home in the perfume industry. Sei whale: a whale with a length of sixteen to twenty meters. Pisces Albrid: the length of the whale up to seventeen meters long, and weighs approximately forty-one tons. Humpback whale: a whale is characterized by black balloon, and a length of up to sixteen meters high, and weighs approximately thirty-six tons. Gray whale: a length of up to sixteen meters high, and weighs approximately thirty-six tons. Minke whale: a length from nine to seventeen meters, and the advantage of this turquoise gray whale from the top, and black from the bottom. Whale skin characterized by skin soft rubber, and the existence of a large layer of fat, working to maintain the temperature, the warmth of the whale, and a thickness of up to fifty cms, live a long time without food, relying on this layer. Hawass whale him Hacta hearing and touch are strong, and the sense of smell are non-existent, and the sense of sight is weak; and issue a whale voice through the sinuses around the Almnkhar, and features strongly very high voice, which is used to communicate with others, then you can whales communicate with other whales located about the distances of up to nearly 1,600 km, but for whale food, Vitagzy a great meal, and a huge, up nearly almost four tons of food a day

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