

Sailfish belong to the genus Istiophorus, living in warmer parts of all the world's oceans. They are mostly in gray and blue, and has a distinctive dorsal fin erection know the sail, which often stretches along the back.Has traditionally been the recognition of two types of sailfish, has not been found on the differences between the two types and they Sailfish Atlantic, and Sailfish Indo-Pacific sailfishSailfish grow rapidly to reach 2.1 to 5.1 meters (3 ft 11 in 11 ft.) In length in one year, and feed on the surface or in the middle depths on smaller forage fish and marine squid.

Sailfish speeds of up to 110 km / h have been recorded (68 mph), which is one of the highest speeds reported reliably in any watery object, generally Sailfish not grow to more than 3 meters (9.8 feet) in length and rarely what weighs more than 90 kg (200 lbs)Another characteristic of prominent Sailfish

are the mouth elongated, which is similar to swordfish, usually maintains a sail tucked down to the side when swimming, but may be raised when it feels threatened or excited for its return, making the fish look much larger than they actually are .Sailfish are greatly appreciated, and are known to jump
incredibly great speed. They can swim 100 meters in 4.8 seconds. It can appear in a dizzying array of colors, from gray to brown and violet vibrant and even silver, and often the most prominent body colors through the iris lines colors of blue dots and silver.Sailfish can change their colors immediately once approximately one this change is controlled by their own nervous system. It can quickly turn to light his body blue with yellow stripes when it is excited, and the confusion between its prey, make captured easier.Sailfish are predator voracious and opportunistic, is able to reduce pelvic fins in grooves along the side of the body, reducing drag as it moves through the water one and make it one of the fastest recorded fish, can reach speeds of up to 110 km per hour, which feed on fish in the first place, as well as consume some squid and octopus



  1. yes friend its a genus.. was living in warmer sections of all the oceans of the world


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