finpeacock bass

1)-What is a Peacock Bass?

The Peacock Bass (aka Butterfly Peacock) was introduced to Florida waterways between 1984 and 1987. During that three year span, the FWC stocked nearly 20,000 butterfly peacock fingerlings into the canal systems of South East Florida. Although they are exotic to Florida, they were purposely...

The sturgeon

The sturgeon

: The sturgeon is of primitive type of fish of the family acipenseridae. The term "sturgeon" includes 25 different types of fish,
Evolution sturgeon can be attributed to the era of dinosaurs. Where we found the most common sturgeon types in North America and Russia. Sturgeon hairs. Help to get their food, and its diet consists of fishing for jealousy and invertebrates.
The term "Sturgeon" contains more than twenty fish, differ in size and weight, for example, shortnose sturgeon about 4.7 feet (1.4 meters) and weighs about 51 kg may be larger fish of water Sweet In North America, white sturgeon, 20 feet (6 m) and white whales, I found in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, about 24.6 feet (7.5 meters)

Poisson perroquet

Parrot fish psittacosis fish
(Scientific name: Scaridae)
A species of nearly 80 species of fish that live on coral reefs in warm and semi-warm seas, and took its name from its two unusual front teeth that resembles a parrot's beak.
Smit this fish by this name because of its front row teeth in the introduction of the mouth similarly to parrot beak, fish lives freely in the warm waters between the coral reefs in the oceans and seas, and it There are about eighty to a kind of dimension Between 20 cm (small) to a meter and a half (giant).
Size Variable fish psittacosis between 10 cm and over 1.2 m. There are about eighty-one. It is that objects of thickness covered by considerable crusts. Most fish psittacosis brilliant colors, even for the most part during his life...

Hunting skills

Fishing is considered a hobby of hobbies and fun that get wide support among a lot of people, but at the same time need a lot of patience and calm, you will not be able to enjoy the hobby fishing without that you have these qualities.

The statistics confirmed that there are approximately 100 million people around the world practicing...

Types lakes

                                                                      Lake Erie 


Lake Erie is one of the five Great Lakes in North America, which is in the order atheist tenth largest lake in the world in terms of surface area, this is the lake source of many commercial products that are transported by water, is also considered an important source of navigation and manufacturing
- Over the past years we have seen this lake large damaging process due to overfishing and industrial pollution operations, which led to the growth of toxic algae dramatically and rapidly...

- Floating algae on the surface and multiply rapidly, causing prevent light from reaching organisms that live underwater and thus die of these objects and sink to the bottom, where decompose and suck

fish Anchovies

fish   Anchovies

Anchovies or anchovies or anchovies (Latin: Engraulidae) is a family of small fish live in salt water and resides in swarms. There are about 140 species classified into 16 genera. Located in the Atlantic Ocean and God Di and the Indian Ocean are usually classified as one of oily fish.

It is a small green fish with blue reflections due to silver bar extends from the caudal fin base and

The sea spider

       The sea spider

Spiders sea, are marine arthropods, a global, found especially in the Mediterranean region and the Caribbean, as well as the oceans Arctic and the Antarctic, there are more than 1,300 known species, which range in size from 1-10 mm to more than 90 cm, in some deep-water species, mostly towards the end of this range is smaller than in the relatively shallow depths, however, they can grow to be very large in the Antarctic waters...

Fish Almmar

Fish Almmar

Almmar fish are thick sand and prefer white sand and coexist on invertebrates and crustaceans.
Almmermarahgmeha less than the average for other types of fish, and resides thickness Almmar in abundance in the Mediterranean, especially in the line of the northern coast, and did not score that has been catching a thickness greater than a kilo and 200 grams and is the largest along the fish Mmar...

been caught in this kind 55 cm and is estimated longer scientists Omar thickness Almmar

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